Selah is One!

I have the best job ever!

This is Selah Jennings. Many of you have been introduced to her before as this is her forth blog post and she is only 1 year old! Her first photoshoot was within the first week of her being home from the Hospital. (Check out the blogpost titled: Introducing Selah Annie Margaret Jennings to see it!)

Selah’s mother Leisha is one of my dearest friends, and her creativity makes every photoshoot with this family a great one!

When Leisha  and I started talking about photographing Selah’s first birthday the ideas started flowing! Unfortunately, for the actual birthday party I was booked to work so I was unable to attend. So we did this photoshoot the next day, which in turn worked out much better because Selah was rested and ready to go! Not to mention her excitement when she realized that she was able to eat sweets again for only the second time!

Here are some of the shots from her birthday!

Happy 1st birthday to one of the most beautiful girls that I know!



What happens when you take flowers away from a girl…

3 thoughts on “Selah is One!

  1. Your talent Brenna never ceases to amaze me, you definitely have a gift with the camera! I love and enjoy to look at your pictures. Hopefully one day, our family will enjoy your work!

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